Well the cast came off yesterday! Yeaaa!! Other than having a skinny, very dry and flaky leg it otherwise looks good. He will have to wear a walking boot for the next 2 to 3 weeks, but we can take it off for naps, bedtime, and baths. He had his 1st tub bath tonight. Its been almost 5 weeks since his last tub bath. He isn't walking much yet but he should start walking in the next few days. It will be nice when everything is back to normal.
Matthew is finally in a big boy bed. He is almost 3 so I figured it was definitely time to get him out of his crib. I really didn't have a reason why he is still in his crib but I really didn't have a reason to get him out of his crib. Most toddlers move out of their cribs because they are climbing out of it or they have a new little brother or sister on the way that needs it. I was one of the lucky ones because Matthew was good about entertaining himself in his crib when he woke up so I was able to get some extra sleep :) I admit, I have been spoiled. The first couple of nights have gone well, but he didn't take his nap today. I thought he was sleeping but then I heard a very loud banging noise on his door. He was throwing his toys at his door and he made a big mess in his room. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Enjoy the pics of Matthew's noncasted leg and him sleeping in his big boy bed. Notice the "da di di" (a.k.a. fire hydrant) right next to his bed. His "da di di" also goes "night night" when he does.