Fall is finally here. Yay!!!!! I am usually sad when summer comes to an end but not this year. I was so tired of the hot weather. It has cooled off some. It is definitely not Fall-like temperatures yet but it's better than 110 degrees. Temps are in the upper 80's and morning lows are in the 60's. I am still looking forward to it getting even cooler. Hard to believe the holidays are right around the corner. I am looking forward to it this year. Looks like I won't be working Thanksgiving or Christmas this year. Yea!!!! Not sure what the boys will be for Halloween yet, but I am looking for ideas. Our church is having their big fall festival again so we will be attending that. It is lots of fun.
Well I can't believe I am going to write this, but I have baby fever. There I said it. After having Matthew I was contemplating just having him but I knew I would regret it so I of course had Luke. After having Luke I am very sad to think that this may be it. I have enjoyed Luke so much more and the transition was so much easier that having another doesn't sound scary or overwhelming at all. I like the idea of having more than 2 kids. The chances of actually having a 3rd though are quite low. There are so many circumstances that will make it difficult to have a 3rd. Mark and I's age, finances, childcare, my thyroid issue that I have to get under control 1st, etc.....Those are just a few of the reasons. I really thought after having Luke I would feel so relieved since I "would be done" and our family would be complete, but I don't feel that way at all. I will give it until after the holidays and see how I feel then. If we did go for a 3rd we would have to start trying soon.
Luke is good. He started crawling this week. He isn't crawling everywhere just yet, but he's getting there. He is definitely very curious and loves to play with anything and everything. He is eating well. Enjoying baby food very much. He has turned into quite the cat napper though. His naps are maybe an hour tops. I would really like for those to be longer.
Matthew is good. He is enjoying school much more this year. He is slowly but surely maturing. He finally pooped in the potty. Wasn't sure if it would ever happen. He has done it several times but he does fight me on it some. He would still prefer to go in the diaper but for the most part I can convince him to use the potty. My little boy is growing up. His talking is moving right along. He is doing very well.
Work is good. Still very busy although it has slowed down the last few weeks. Looks like we will be getting a new NICU in 2013. Very excited about that. Looks like it will be double the size and mostly private rooms. They opened up the new antepartum unit and it is VERY NICE. They will be adding 2 new floors to the Women's Center which is very exciting. Lots of growth which means lots of job security. I feel very blessed to have that job. I still have not found a transcription job but I am so close. I am still waiting on 2 companies to get back with me regarding if they are landing some new accounts. If they land these accounts then they want to talk to me about employment. I really hope it works out. I am ready for some extra money.
Hanging with cousin Jayce |
The toy he got for going #2 in the potty. Matthew loves windmills almost as much as fire hydrants. |
Fall Festival at Calloways |
Luke swinging. He loved it!!! |
Luke's favorite way to sit right now. |
Until next time! Enjoy the pics!