Monday, January 2, 2012

Bye Bye 2011 and Hello 2012!

Well another year has come and gone.  Time sure does go by fast especially the older you get.  Weren't we just ringing in the year 2000?  Is it really 2012 already?  Hard to believe!  Christmas went great.  Church with the In-laws on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at our house (just the 4 of us).  Mark's family came over later for Christmas dinner.  The boys got lots of presents of course.  I really didn't get them much, but when you add it in with what everyone else gets them it adds up quick.  I like when Christmas if finally over and the New Year is here.  It motivates me to clean, get rid of clutter, and reorganize.  The  problem is that motivation doesn't seem to last long.  There are soooo many projects, crafts, and organizational tasks I want to do, but I seem to get none of it done.  Haven't figured out how to get those thoughts to materialize.  Any ideas?  I did recently discover Pinterest and that is a pretty neat site.  Very addicting.  I am not spending near enough time on there as I would like.  TONS of great ideas.

Not much else to report as of now.  Pic overload coming :)

Christmas Eve at the In-Law's

Opening presents.  Obviously very excited about his helicopter

4 Krueger boys

Christmas morning!

Christmas morning hanging out in Mom and Dad's bed.

Before the craziness starts

Opening presents

Luke loves his blocks

At our neighbor's  house.  They are like grandparents to Luke and Matthew.

Riding horsey from Uncle Mike and Aunt Margie

Christmas dinner.

This was about 6:30.  Luke was exhausted!