Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting close

Well I am 34 weeks.  Will be 35 weeks on Thursday.  I get the feeling baby Joshua may be here in a few weeks.  I went past the due date with the 1st two, but I have been having some contractions and some other prelabor signs.  Of course it could all mean nothing and I could easily go past my due date, but I am just getting the feeling that this one will arriving before the due date.  It is so hard to decipher real contractions vs. false contractions.  I am just feeling uneasy as if my body is getting ready.  I really need to get the carseat installed, get my hospital bag ready, etc...  I am feeling the overwhelming desire to keep the house picked up at all times which is unusual for me.  I wouldn't say I am "nesting" but I am needing some order to the house at all times.  I think that is definitely a sign that labor is near :)  I will keep you updated.

The trip to Del Rio went very well.  It was great visiting with family and Matthew and Luke did well.  Matthew did start to get home sick the last few days which can be expected, but overall we all had a good time.   Oma (my 94 year old grandmother) is doing great.  She looks great and is getting around wonderfully.  She is a beautiful lady. 

Can't think of much else at the moment. 


Matthew and Luke with Grandma and Grandpa Carroll

Thursday, July 12, 2012

All is well here

All is well here.  Saw the OB today and also had a sonogram to check placenta placement.  Today I am 32 weeks.  Everything looked great on the sono.   Placenta, fluid levels, cervix all look great.  Baby Joshua is right on target with his growth.  I bet I will be having another 8 pounder.  It was nice to get a peek at him today.  It makes is so much more real, but of course it really isn't real until that baby is in your arms.  I am hoping to make it to the due date just like I did with Matthew and Luke. 

Me and boys are going to Del Rio next week to visit family.  Looking forward to that.  I am planning on just doing nothing and relaxing.  Of course I will be taking care of the kiddos, but I will have help.  It will probably be my last trip to Del Rio for awhile. 

Work is good.  Still busy as ever.  I have been blessed to pick up some extra shifts.  Not that I want to work extra, but I really could use the money for maternity leave.  The money has been really good.  This next check will be a big fat one :).  I feel set now so I don't feel the pressure to pick up anymore extra shifts unless I want to. 

We are really enjoying the minivan.  Selling my car went very smooth.  Got decent money for it and I didn't even have to fix the dent or windshield.  The minivan is much roomier.  Matthew loves it as well. 

Matthew turned 5 recently.  We just had a low key birthday this year.  We went to a toddler/splash pool that Matthew loves and came home and had cake and presents.  Can't believe my 1st born is 5. 

Can't think of anything else at the moment. 


Farewell 2005 Camry

Splash park for Matthew's birthday




Birthday cake

Luke loves birthday cake

Matthew in a firetruck for July 4th