Well Matthew started school yesterday and so far so good. He started at Fellowship Academy in the PreK-4 program which will be 5 days a week from 8:15-2:45. So this is the real deal. He wasn't quite ready for Kindergarten but since he is already 5 I wanted him in a full time program so it will be similar to Kindergarten but without all the expectations of Kindergarten. Kindergarten is so different today. I wanted him to have another year to mature and grasp some basic concepts and continue to improve his speech and language. This school goes all the way to 12th grade so I am hoping this is his "one and only" school. I found out that they have a program for learning differences. How great is that. I'm not saying that Matthew will need it but it is a definite possibility in the future.
Baby Joshua is still cozy in the oven. I must have a good oven because my boys like to stay in until the last minute possible. Who can blame them. It's a tough world. I will be 39 weeks on Thursday and for the most part I feel pretty good. I have had some pretty bad indegestion at night keeping me up at night and of course as always the peeing is just out of control, but that's to be expected. I'm moving a little slower these days, but I am managing. I am looking forward to being a family of 5. Of course I always start getting a little anxious as the big day approaches. Having a newborn stresses me out. The 1st few weeks are always a little rough for me. We did move Lukey into Matthew's room finally and so far no problems. It's only been 1 night but I think he will adjust just fine. For the most part we seem to be ready for Baby Joshua. I have accepted that the house will not be perfect and tidy. Well it may be before I leave for the hospital, but likely it will be a disaster zone again when I return, but who cares. Some things you just have to let go.
I will be sure to keep you updated on any new developments :)
Matthew's new school |
1st day of Pre-K4 |
Shirts I made for the boys. Aren't they cute?
glad that you found a good school for matthew. and i love the shirts you made for the boys, too cute.