Well I officially signed up with Origami Owl. It has been a few weeks and so far I am having a blast. I am really loving the product and surprisingly I am loving the sales and marketing aspect of it. This surprises me because I am really not a "sales" person. I know lots of people that have been in direct sales (Avon, Pampered Chef, Scentsy, Arbonne, Mark Kay, etc...), but I was never interested in joining any type of direct marketing company. There was just something about Origami Owl and the product that captured me and well here I am :) This company is fairly new, but is RAPIDLY GROWING. There is a wait list for new designers and it is taking several weeks to get on with the company. I think I joined at a good time. I am taking things slow and steady at this point. They are coming out with a new catalog and hostess rewards next month so I am waiting for that before I starting booking parties.
So what is Origami Owl you ask. Well, they sell lockets, necklaces, charms, tags, plates, and dangles. Basically you design your own living locket that tells your story. The options are endless. They have a HUGE selection of charms. The lockets open and close so you can change out plates and charms. They also have a tagged line that is super cute! The quality is amazing. Below are some pictures of some of these lockets. LOVE!
Here is a link to my Origami Owl Facebook page. Please visit and "like" my page so you can stay up to date on all things Origami Owl. There is also a link for you to shop. If you need to contact me feel free to e-mail me at kruegerbetsey@gmail.com

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