It's so easy to get behind on the blog and before you know it there is so much to update on. Well Grandma from Del Rio was here recently. Had a nice visit as usual. She comes every October for about a week. She is soooo great with Matthew and Matthew always warms up to her very quickly. I did have to share her this time around but it was for good reason. My stepbrother and his wife just had a baby boy name Jayce. He is such a cutie and a good baby and she spent a few days with him. We managed to get some time to ourselves, went to church and got to go to the pumpkin patch so we did get a lot done. She will be back in Feb. after Luke arrives (yeaaaa!!!).
Had a good Halloween. Attempted to make a fire hydrant costume for Matthew and lets just say it was a big flop. I was one dissapointed mamma. Matthew has been into fire hydrants since before he was 2 and it is showing no signs of slowing down. He would have made a great fire hydrant. Oh well, maybe next year. Dad had to go out at 9:30 at night to Walmart to find another costume because Matthew needed it the next day. Thanks Mark :) He brought him back a doctor costume which worked out great. Matthew had a Halloween party on Friday at his preschool and Halloween night we had a Fall Festival/trunk or treat at our church which was a lot of fun. He really doesn't get the whole concept of Halloween just yet, but he definitely understands what the candy is :)
The pregnancy is going very well. I am 25 weeks. YIKES! I am more than half way there. So far no problems. Luke moves around a lot and seems to be growing well. It really isn't reality that I will be having another baby but the reality doesn't really set in until the baby is actually in your arms and then it is panic time. I am scrambling to finish my medical transcription course. I have to be done by 12/31 or else I have to reenroll which isn't an option. I am almost done so it shouldn't be a problems meeting the deadline. I am hoping to have 4 to 6 weeks before Luke arrives to get some stuff done around the house. There is a lot to do before Luke arrives.
My latest nephew! |
At the pumpkin patch with momma |
At the pumpkin patch with Grandma |
Carving the pumpkin with Dada |
It's a pumpkin! |
Paging Doctor Matthew |
Yummy sucker |
Until next time!
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