Oh the frustrations of raising a toddler. Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to enjoy every moment but sometimes those moments are not enjoyable. Lately Matthew has been very indecisive and resistant with everything. I know, probably just a typical toddler phase, but boy is it frustrating. I can't help to always wonder if it is worse because of his language delay. I know, I know, it seems I am always using the "language delay card" but I do feel it plays a part. Sometimes it is just so hard communicating with Matthew. He has improved a lot but he has quite a ways to go. Also sometimes it is so hard to just "play" with Matthew. He gets so easily frustrated and even when I follow his lead he will get all "freaky" on me and storm off. I just can't figure him out sometimes.
I guess I can say we are "officially potty training" and well I guess it is going okay. He will sit on the potty but he has to be bribed with a vitamin, cookie, or M & M's. He has never actually done anything in the potty but at least he will sit on it. I think it's going to be a long road. I am hoping he is potty trained by the time he is 4. I'm pretty sure he is the only one in his typical preschool class that isn't potty trained yet. Oh well. I'm sure he won't be going to high school in a pull up.
On a more positive note Matthew still loves to cuddle with "momma." and can be such a sweetheart and he still such cutie pie and that boy sure can throw a ball good. I see sports in his future :)
I think I am done complaining. Thanks for reading!
How could you not love this face. |
Until next time.
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