Well it is definitely Christmas time around here. The lights, decorations, and tree are up. Matthew is really digging the lights and tree this year. Matthew still doesn't get the whole concept of Christmas but I think that is what is making it so magical this year. He isn't at the stage of asking everyday when is Christmas and asking for a million presents. He really is just enjoying the decorations and he especially loves the christmas stuffed animals that only come out at Christmas time. Every morning he tells them "hi guys." He really doesn't have a clue that he is supposed to get presents and I think that is great. I wish more kids would just enjoy the magic and true meaning of Christmas rather than counting how many presents they are getting. Don't get me wrong, I used to "count" my presents, but I hope that isn't the only thing that matters at Christmas. In the coming years I'm sure Matthew will start "counting" his presents. It's only a matter of time :) Despite how commercialized Christmas has become we must remember that the true reason for the season came as a baby in a manger. Thank you God for sending us your son. I added a song to the playlist (Breath of Heaven) which pretty much sums up the meaning of Christmas for me.
Blessings to you all!
Decorating the tree |
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