Sorry I haven't updated lately. Been busy. Christmas went well this year. Christmas Eve at our church and then to the in-laws for Christmas Eve. Had a great time there as always. It is tradition for my husbands family to do presents on Christmas Eve which works for me so we can do our own Christmas on Christmas Day. We do meet up with the rest of the family later in the day. Matthew had a lot of fun this year. Of course he doesn't get the whole concept of what Christmas really means but he sure did enjoy the lights, decorations, and of course the presents which were plentiful. I did have to work on Christmas Day which I was dreading but actually it was okay. Matthew really doesn't care yet so that makes it easier. I am fortunate to only have to work 2 days a week but since I am a nurse I am obligated to work holidays. That is just the reality of it. Hospitals never close (thank goodness). It is hard to have to go to work on holidays but I know those patients and their families appreciate it. Those little babies need me to. Speaking of work we have been busy which is great. We recently got triplets. They are doing great. Mom just about made it to 34 weeks which is awesome for triplets. I was able to pick up some extra hours which gives me some extra spending money before Luke arrives. There a few things I would love to get before he comes.
Speaking of Luke this past Tuesday I officially went into "panic mode." I realized that he will be here very soon. I am still finishing up my Medical Transcription course but I am happy to say that I should be done by next week. I am working on the Pre-employment exam which is the last part of the course. It is long and tedious but I should be done by next week. Just in time! I will be soooooo glad to be done with that. I won't look for a position until Luke is a few months old so I can give myself some time to get settled in. I won't work much at first. I am just looking to make a little extra money from home. This isn't necessarily a "2nd job." I guess I would just call it a "very part time gig" for now. As the kids get older I will probably invest more time into it. I'm glad I did it though. Once that is officially done I need to get very busy on the house. Matthew is moving to another room. The computer/spare room is moving to another room and we still haven't set up Luke's room. I have done a little here and there but I really can't get busy on it until I am done with the MT course. We are getting the paint this weekend and Mark will be painting Luke's room and then it will just be a matter of getting everything moved to there proper places and of course I am trying to organize it as I go which is very time consuming. I am soooooo hoping Luke doesn't come early. I had an appt. this week and everything looks good. I have another sono in 2 weeks to check his growth.
Matthew is doing well. He is talking more but of course as I always say, he has a long ways to go. He seems to be enjoying his Preschool Language Class and I do believe it is helping him a lot. Matthew really hasn't developed any fears yet. I thought all kids were afraid of the dark by now. Anyway, I have been cleaning out closets and came across Mark's old orthopedic boot that he wore years ago when be broke his leg. I had in the hallway until I could figure out where to put and Matthew saw it and at first he was fascinated with it. He kept calling it "boo." Then he became scared of it and wouldn't go near it. It was quite hilarious actually. It is now in "dada's" closet and Matthew is still asking about "dada's boo." I keep telling him it is safely tucked away in dada's closet and then we proceed to go make sure it is really in the closet. Silly kid.
Until next time!
Enjoy the pics!
Opening presents at his language class
Christmas party at school |
Matthew and "dada" at "dama and papa's" house on Christmas Eve |
Matthew really enjoyed opening presents this year so he felt the need to help EVERYONE open their presents as well. |
Opening Grandma & Grandpa Carroll's package |
Opening Uncle Allan and Aunt Katherine's package |
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