Looks like boy #3 is on the way! We are very excited! I am thrilled to have 3 boys. No disappointment whatsoever! Sure, I would be thrilled with a girl, but I really don't care either way. His name will be Joshua Scott. Can't wait to meet him. Joshua looked great on the sonogram. I do have a partial placenta previa which basically just means the placenta isn't exactly located where it should be. At his point not really a big deal and most of them move as the uterus expands so at this point no worries. I will get another sonogram next month to make sure that it is moving. If it doesn't move it could mean problems but that's not going to happen :)
Easter came and went. This year sure is flying by! Went to church with the in-laws which was nice. The boys got Easter baskets with lots of candy. Watched the Passion of the Christ Easter night and that has to be the most intense movie ever. I have seen it before, but I haven't seen it in a while. It is an excellent movie, but so hard to watch, but at the same time your eyes are glued to the screen. It amazes and humbles me to know what Christ did for us. It is life changing.
Work is good! Still busy as ever. For the most part we are always running a high census. Good for job security. Took care of a little peanut yesterday. She was just 1 day old and was 490 grams at birth which equals 1 pound 1 ounce. Yep, you read right. Just amazing. I still feel so blessed that God has lead me to this profession and given me a passion for these sweet innocent babies. I am starting to feel the itch to move on from my current job though. Of course not right now with baby Joshua on the way and I will be staying put his 1st year as well. That would be way too much change for me. Don't get me wrong I love my job. I am very comfortable there and I have grown as a NICU nurse soooo much while at my current job. My dream though is to work in a NICU in a Children's hospital. The variety of what they see is amazing and they don't turn any baby away. The see it all. Don't ge me wrong I get to see a lot in my current NICU but obviously not quite as much as a children's hosptial NICU would see. I would still want part time though which shouldn't be a problem. Most hospitals provide a variety of schedules and option for nurses which is wonderful. I will probably try to get on at Cook Children's or possibly Children's Dallas. We will see how I feel next year. Of course it is possible that I may change my mind :)
The boys are good. Luke is doing great! He is a funny little guy and loves to eat. I love seeing his personality develop as he gets older. Matthew is good. Can't believe he will be 5 this summer. He is doing good at school. He still struggles with certain aspects of his speech and language but has made a ton of progress.
I can't think of anything else at the moment!
Baby Joshua |
Love this pic of Matthew |
Sweet Luke |
Smiling boy |
Easter |
My handsome boys |
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