I am 24 weeks pregnant today. Can't believe it! This pregnancy is flying by. It is kinda of sad. When you have 2 kids you are just so much busier and I am not finding the time to sit down and cherish this pregnancy. I know the summer is going to fly by and then baby Joshua will be here. Can't wait to meet him though. I feel that our family will be complete after baby Joshua arrives. Of course I thought that after Luke, but 3 is definitely the max. There is no way a 4th would be an option. 3 sounds like a good number to me. The pregnancy seems to be going fine. Had a follow up ultrasound last week and the placenta has moved. Still low but not covering the cervix anymore so that was good news. Other than that everything looks great. Baby Joshua looks great and is growing perfectly.
The van that we will be inheriting this summer :) |
Silly Lukey! |
In Brownwood visiting with family at Hannah's college graduation. |
Matthew and his fire hydrants. His obsession is showing no signs of slowing down. |
Out for our neighborhood walk and checking all the fire hydrants. |
One of Luke's favorite activities (eating) at our new table. |
Ducks in our front yard. How cool is that. |
All is well on the homefront. Matthew will be done with school the week after next. I am glad. I won't have to get up and get him off to school. It will be a nice break. I am very grateful to his preschool language class and what they have done for him over the last 2 years. He has grown and matured so much since starting. I am looking forward to him starting his new school in the Fall. It will definitely be a change, but hopefully a good one. He will be in a full time Pre-K program so it won't quite be the expectations of Kindergarten quite yet. The expectations of Kindergarten are definitely much different then when I was in Kindergarten. They seem to expect so much more now. Luke is good. He is turning into quite the little character. I am really enjoying seeing his personality blossom. Mark had a birthday recently. I won't tell you his age but he doesn't look a day over 30 :)
Work is good. Got some extra hours last week which was a big blessing. Trying to save up for maternity leave. We are very busy right now. We have more babies than beds. Just crazy! Hopefully it will calm down soon.
Can't think of anything else.
Enjoy the pics!
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