Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all of you or as I like to call it "Jesus is Risen Day."  Thank you Jesus for making the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.  Started the day off at church this morning and will be ending the day at the in-laws for dinner (yum).  Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


All is well at the Krueger household.  Baby Luke is doing well.  He is a sweet baby.  After he eats he likes to smile and coo lots.  It is soooo sweet to see.  He is sleeping good.  Taking lots of naps.  He is only up for about an hour or so before he starts to get cranky and back to sleep he goes.  He is like is momma, loves his sleep.  He is sleeping well at night.  I am putting him down between 8 and 9 and I don't hear from him until sometime between 3 to 5 a.m. then he eats and is back to sleep.  Matthew is doing well.  He has his moments but I am just trying to be patient with him.  I know his little world has changed dramatically since Baby Luke arrived.  It will be so much better when Luke is older and more interactive so Matthew will see that he will benefit from having a brother.  At this point Matthew can't see that it is actually a good thing to have a brother.

I am enjoying my time off from work.  I have 3 more weeks until I go back.  I am not dreading it as much this time around.  I am actually kinda of looking forward to going back.  I do enjoy what I do.  It is only 2 days a week so not to big of a deal.  I have a wonderful sitter lined up for Luke so I have no anxieties about leaving him at all.  Such a blessing!

Well my grandmother (Dad's mom) is dying.  She is 89 and has cancer and has decided not to do chemo.  She lives in New York.  She is a wonderful lady and has lived a very full life.  I am trying to figure out how to get up there and see her.  I would take Luke and leave Matthew and Mark behind.  The thought of flying with a baby really stresses me out and not to mention all the stuff I need to bring.  I will figure it out because I would really like to see her.  I have a lot of fond memories as a child visiting her in New York. 

Zoo day with his PLC class.  Who cares about lions, tiger, and bears when there are fire hydrants at the zoo.

Hanging outside

Happy boy!

My sweet Momma's boy

I'm ready to go.

He looks like Matthew here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Long overdue update

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Yes, Luke did arrive on Feb. 20th at 1:58 pm.  I was induced at 41 weeks because the little guy just wouldn't come on his own.  I was 4 cm when I got to the hospital so obviously my body was doing something but not enough.  The induction went smooth and was a lot faster than with Matthew.  I only pushed for about 10 to 15 minutes compared to 2 hours with Matthew so that was great.  It definitely made the recovery much easier.  Luke weighed in at 8# 7 oz and was perfectly healthy.  I went home in 2 days and everything has been much easier the 2nd time around.  I had such a hard time with Matthew.  Let's just say I had some significant and extended "baby blues."  Don't get me wrong I have had some challenging and stressful moments these past few weeks but overall I am coping much better.  Luke will already be 6 weeks this Sunday.  He is doing well.  He started smiling at 4 weeks and he is eating well and sleeping fairly well.  He is sleeping very well at night.  He likes to fight sleep during the day which can be frustrating but Matthew did the exact same thing so I can deal with it better this time and I know it will pass.  He looks a lot like Matthew and his eating and sleeping habits so far are very similar to Matthew.  Matthew is doing okay with Baby Luke.  He does like him and is interested in him but he hates it when Luke cries so that is an issue because babies cry and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. 

I will post more pictures when I figure out where the camera is.  The picture above is Luke at 1 month.  My sister-in-law took that pic. 

Oh, and we have chickens.  Mark built a chicken coop and we have 6 chickens.  There are actually kinda of cute :)
